Thursday, January 27, 2005

Up and Running...

Miss me? Man, I'm trying to get those Hues Prevues for April shipping comics finished but it's so hard what with the strip revamp and the column...

But these things are going well. Well, I get zero feedback on the strip for the most part, but people are reading it and really, what more can I ask. That strip is here:

And the column's return has been unexpectedly fun. Three columns in and I've already got some of the subjects of my satire talking to me about it. Look for follow-up interviews coming down the pike as a direct result of the column. That column is here:

I was hoping to be more volatile and really get people talking this time around, and it appears that this, at least, is working! No holds barred, this time around. Satire at its wickedest. And I have a message board there if anyone wants to get in on the action and tell me how much I suck. I wouldn't sling it this hard if I couldn't take it in return...



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